Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Often I will see pictures while in prayer. Over the last few years, however, the Lord actually will unfold scenes, like in a movie. This one contains an invitation from the Lord to those in the church who have found themselves lost and distracted, even while having never left the comfort of the "church". 

“WAIT and listen, everyone who is thirsty! Come to the waters; and he who has no money, come, buy and eat! Yes, come, buy [priceless, spiritual] wine and milk without money and without price [simply for the self-surrender that accepts the blessing]. [Rev. 21:6, 7; 22:17.]”

Isaiah 55:1 AMP

“And He [further] said to me, It is done! I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. To the thirsty I [Myself] will give water without price from the fountain (springs) of the water of Life. [Isa. 55:1.]”

Revelation 21:6 AMP

“The [Holy] Spirit and the bride (the church, the true Christians) say, Come! And let him who is listening say, Come! And let everyone come who is thirsty [who is painfully conscious of his need of those things by which the soul is refreshed, supported, and strengthened]; and whoever [earnestly] desires to do it, let him come, take, appropriate, and drink the water of Life without cost. [Isa. 55:1.]”

Revelation 22:17 AMP

Deep in the heart of a church building there was a little room, a classroom with no windows, a flannel graph, some folding chairs, a green rug and a table. It had white walls, a white industrial tiled floor and fluorescent lights overhead. Under the gray metal folding chair in the room was a little girl playing with the flannel graph and other props found in the room. She spent many of her days here in this room, week after week, quite contented and safe. After a time, however, her curiosity roused her and she began to look up and around the room where she was and for the first time noticed the door leading into the hallway. She decided to walk through the door and explore the building around this little room .... Slowly, she wandered alone around and around the building, she was happy, enjoying the different hallways and rooms as she got further and further from this center room, and over time found herself exploring the fringe rooms of the building. She was no longer a little girl at this point, but a young woman, yet still wore her hair in two braids and full of youth. The very most outer room was large and had several windows to the outside world. The room was less bright as there was no artificial fluorescent light like there had been in the little classroom. Instead there was only the filtered, natural light coming through the trees and plants outside the windows. There were strange jungle like vine tendrils that grew along the inside wall, having found their way in from the outside. The room seemed unkept and abandoned and there were no chairs or tables there like there were in the inner rooms in the building. She looked and saw an opening where a door used to hang, only rusty hinges were left…the door had been torn off. Something had happened in this room. Some kind of attack had occurred. This room used to be a meeting place for the wise ones. The ones who were the dreamers who would make plans about all that they would do just outside the door….they knew of the love of a Savior and their hearts once burned with passion for those who had not yet heard. But there had been an assault against them….a beast had come and torn off the door and in their terror, the wise dreamers, full of fire, had retreated further in the walls where they would be safe. The beast who came for them knew there was no need to go any further, for if they retreated further in the walls, they would be of no threat in the outside world, in the jungle where he roamed. The young woman however, noticed the opening and began to feel the world outside was beckoning her, almost pulling on her somehow, and one day, she actually found herself with a foot outside the door. Once outside she quickly noticed the wildness of the world around her. Large vines trailed across the ground and some even up the sides of the church building (and into the fringe rooms as well where she just left). She was under a thick canopy of trees which made her surroundings seem very dark, though it was day, and there were unkept thickets everywhere. She took a few slow steps and spun around for a moment taking note of how different this place was than the classroom where she once spent all her time with its sterile, well-lit, surroundings. She noted that there was no flannel graph to be found and realized how out of place that prop would be out here... She saw a faint path in front of her and slowly began to walk through this jungle, though it was overgrown and she had to work to get through all of the overgrowth and debris. She had not gone too far at all before she stumbled upon a man sitting along the path, who looked like he was in pain and very thirsty. As she stopped to see if he was okay, I caught a glimpse of her eyes...they were full of fire. The same eyes that revelation talks about Jesus having, and as she knelt down she realized on her back was a backpack and it was full of bottles of water. She had received these bottles week after week, year after year while in the church building and it was clearly more than she herself needed. I also took note of her clothes. She was dressed in hiking gear, backpack and all, with shoes and clothes meant for a journey, and her hair still in two braids. As she walked on, she met stranger after stranger in the wild and began to give the water to each one she met, and as she did joy filled her heart as she began to give away what she had been collecting all those years, realizing finally what it was for.

But then the scene flashed quickly to another woman also leaving the church building. She was walking in the parking lot on the opposite side of the building and dressed differently. She had on a very tailored and brightly colored fitted dress, heels, a white wide brimmed hat with a small stripe of color around the center that matched her dress. She held a pretty white leather hand bag trimmed in gold painted metal, and her make up and hair was just as finely crafted as her clothes. I saw her creamy white, clear complected face and she had on sunglasses and looked like a movie star. In the small purse she clutched were many tiny statues of Jesus. As she walked through the parking lot she would smile and laugh and give away her little statues of Jesus. There was no fire in her eyes (they were covered anyway) and she seemed quite unaware and out of touch. She didn't even look at those she was handing the statues to, and yet she felt like she was doing a very good thing for those around her, very satisfied with what she had done. It was likely, given she was still in the parking lot, those she was handing her statues to were the people whom she had just been inside with, and had their own statues which they had also collected, but she was quite unaware of this fact, nor did she even recognize them. As I looked up past the parking lot I saw that the entrance she had just come out of consisted of several large sets of glass doors that led into a busy foyer that was well decorated and well cared for, unlike the room at the back of the building where the other woman had been. This grand entrance was the front door. The people who went in and out of this entrance week after week never went much past the parking lot once they left, and were quite unaware of the jungle that lay just on the opposite side of the building, nor did they know of the abandoned classroom, or the other woman who had been in the building with them. Much of the busyness conducted around this building happened right there in the front. It consisted primarily of just the coming in and going out again each week and the infrequent dealing of Jesus trinkets in the front area. Occasionally a homeless man would stumble into the parking lot with his hands out, only to be handed one of the trinkets... He would look confused as he stared at this statue in his hands and feeling that this place could not give him what he needed, with sadness he eventually stopped coming. This area was where the wild and the jungle had been in the front also but was now buried under this concrete pad of parking lot, so that it was easier for people to get in and out.

The movie star-like woman was the central character in the front of the building. It was all about her. The other side was about the story that was unfolding.. The epic story of a woman lost in love of the one she knew, she was unaware of self and only cognoscente of his heartbeat inside her and where it compelled her to go and what it compelled her to do. She was continuing on the age old path... Telling the story again and again. To the woman in the front…He beckons…abandon self focus and appearances... You have fitted yourself in garments of praise that are too restrictive like the dress you wear. You adorn yourself to reveal your shape, flaunt your tastes and preferences. In doing so you have become obsolete and ill fitted for the journey you are called to. Every detail of your appearance has been perfectly coordinated and you have become incredibly entertained and delighted in yourself when my heart is that you would be incredibly delighted in Me and unaware of who you are so that what makes my heart beat is what makes your heart beat. Take off your sunglasses that you've used to keep the light, my light, from shining in your eyes. The light of my truth, the light of my glory, the Light of my Son. Take the glasses off... It will hurt while your eyes take time to adjust. Get the make up remover out, remove that which you have used to cover up your appearance... Your blemishes are not hidden from me, instead be cleansed from the inside. You have forgotten what it means to be forgiven and washed clean. Take off that silly dress. Strip yourself of the self focus and all the ways you have adorned yourself with self promoting things that are pleasing to you and become who I have made you to be. Return to me. To your infatuation with me. You too were a little girl much like the other at one time... Babes rolling underneath the pews, running the halls in my house, learning and growing in my love, but somewhere you got stuck on the inside. You stopped venturing into new places in my heart. You became intoxicated with self and thus preoccupied with self preservation and comfort, that you might save yourselves instead of being an instrument heralding salvation to the lost and dying. But you yourself have been dying on the inside so you have crafted the perfect cover up, I'm not fooled my love and I am not impressed with your show.. The robe I have for you in paradise is far more brilliant anyway, and get ready to get dirty. The world which you fear is indeed a dangerous and wild place, and you can't be worried about ruining your clothes. Let go of your material possessions and the hold they have on your heart and follow me.The heart of Jesus that longs to engage this wild world .... The heart of Jesus that is compelled, pulled, into the jungle by the lost and dying that are there waiting, is being awakened and rising up in the heart of His bride. Come back to me and let's try this again.

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