Wednesday, November 7, 2012

I may be slow, but I'm not stupid. For a while I have been feeling the Lord speak to me, sometimes such wonderful things that I think I may burst if I don't get them out. I have wondered if I am truly to be the only one He wants to share this with or if it is also for others. Three times I have been encouraged this week to use the internet as a place to share. SO here we are. What I have to share this morning is kind of a doozey with it being the morning after the election (go big or go home, right?) Anyway, I encourage you to pray through the following things and see if any of it resonates in you as well. If not, throw it God be the Glory :-)

Fell asleep last night to Fox News and it's projections for the election. When I woke up, immediately two things were stirring, a little bit of dread, and whispers from Him-- Exodus 20:6 He is faithful to show mercy and steadfast love to a thousand generations of those who love Me and keep my commandments...

I went downstairs to make my coffee and ready myself to spend some time with Him. All the while pondering the election, the nation, and hearing more whispers. The following is taken from my journal from this morning:

 Sodom and Gomorrah you would've spared for the sake of one righteous man. There have been throngs among us who have faithfully served and laid down their lives in the name of Christ in this country. I praise you for the faithful love and mercy you show even to us on their behalf....

"Rise up my Bride! Come together for you finally see there is something that threatens the kingdom of God greater than each other! Lock arms, and bow, unified, your knee to Me! Come, ask, and pray and I will tell you great and mighty things you did not know! I desire for you to reflect the glorious light of my Son, as one, holy blameless bride...there will be a great influx of people into the church looking for hope, and this time, they will find the beauty of Christ waiting to receive them! Repent, repent, O Church for your bickering with one another, for your hatred towards your brothers and sisters--That is not what my Son looks like and it is not His image you reflect when you look like that. They are coming....Show them my Son. Submit to me, submit to your church leaders, submit to those in authority over you, encourage them and pray for them...I will bring about my kingdom through these broken vessels. Submit to my Word, there is no other foundation, no other ideal that will be a steady foundation--resist the ideas that center around humanity. I am the center.

See, I am doing something new in your midst...something you have not seen in many generations...awakening one pure, holy, passion for Me..." (He spoke Jeremiah 33 to me, which verse six echoes what He said earlier, "Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and mighty things you did not know." In the rest of this passage, which if you have time, you can read, the Lord speaks of His covenant with Israel, and explains that He is a covenant keeping God. He is a faithful God, and He will be faithful to His bride.)

"My blessing on this country will come on behalf of my bride that is there. I will show mercy on whom I will show mercy. I will bless my bride and it will trickle over onto those who are not my people. Who are you to declare my wrath? Do not have a heart like Jonah's--when he did not think it right for me to spare the wicked in Ninevah. Bow your knee to me, to my will. Ask, seek, and knock. I will do what I deem is good. Shake the dust off your bibles, and turn on the light in your prayer closet again. I want to start a revolution and I want to tell you about it! The Lord, the God of Jacob is my name. I am your strength and shield! Put your trust and hope in Me--some may trust in horses, and some may trust in chariots but we will trust in the name of the Lord our God. I have a name...identify Me! "{Jeremiah 33:26 For I will cause their captivity to be reversed, and I will have mercy, kindness, and steadfast love on and for them.  (notice, same things He said in Ex. 20:6 amp}
God is trying to show us that He is a covenant keeping God--His faithfulness is greater than our sins! He is not a slot machine, where we stick in our good works and get out blessing, stick in bad stuff and he spits out junk. [NOT saying we won't reap what we sow, consequences of our actions will come, we will experience the depth of the ditch we dug]

"You know nothing of the depths of my faithfulness, for you are a fickle people, rewarding that which pleases you and breaking covenant when you are offended which is often and easily done. I am not this way. It is not even your repentance and dependance that will cause me to keep covenant with you, for even this repentance is not for me, but for you and your hearts. I am God, there is no other. Truly there is none like Me." After this I heard for the first time this song by Free Chapel come on Pandora "I Call Your Name" He starts the song by quoting the exact version (amplified) of Jeremiah 33:3 "Call to me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things, fenced in and hidden, which you do not know (do not distinguish and recognize, have knowledge of and understand.) Here are the lyrics: (Note the last line was the last thing I wrote that He spoke to me.)
 Holy lord
God almighty
 ancient of days, giver of faith
Lord I need you
 Lord you're deserving of all I am
 I lay me down
 Lord I need you
 I call your name
Lord you reply
You bring your kingdom
To stand by my side
Giver of life
All that I need
Father you're everything that is precious to me
There is no one like you Lord in all the earth.

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