Thursday, November 29, 2012

"Don't mistake spiritual slumber for peace."

 So I am without question, a big picture kind of girl. It's why I have such a hard time with details. It's why I used to ask "why?" when I was a little girl so much of the time and it's why I detest package warnings that read "Whatever you do, NEVER do this!" but don't tell me why..:-) While I will forever be grateful for (and remain in humble awe of) administrator and details oriented types, I recognize there are some good things about trying to get the bigger perspective. I believe it is what the Lord Jesus is trying to tell us in Matthew 24 and 25 as it relates to his coming. I am watching what is happening in our country and across the globe, and I long to understand better these events, for there is much happening indeed I am also very much  interested in what is happening in His Bride, globally.  If you take time to read Matthew 24-25, Jesus is talking to his disciples about end times. He spoke MUCH on whether or not people would be ready...if you have read it you may remember the illustration of the fig tree and knowing what season we are in. My title this morning was a phrase I heard in my head as I sat down to spend time with Him. As was predicted by Christ in Matthew, and has seen over and over in scripture as a theme, some have fallen into a slumber. Francis Frangipane speaks to this phenomenon in the beginning of chapter 6 of his book, "And I Will Be Found By You", when he quotes Zechariah 4:1 and comments, "Zechariah was not sleeping when an angel roused him 'as a man who is awakened from his sleep.' " He goes on to say (which is coraborated by the prophetic word giving by Christ Himself in Matthew 24-25), "Amazingly, in spite of all the signs, wonders, and warnings announcing that we are truly in the last days, Jesus said there will also be a mysterious drowsiness that we must discern and overcome." In these recent days surrounding political events, both in our nation and around the world, I have observed many different reactions: fear and hatred toward one another are a couple of things, as well as some others pressing in to try and make sense out of it spiritually, but among the most alarming, is an apathay that is easily mistaken for peace. "Everything will be fine....things will work's nothing new....etc..." and while it's true that there is nothing new under the sun, there have always been wars, etc... Do we really know and see things from a heavenly perspective? Paul says in 2 Corinthians 4:18 "So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal." There is a place, I believe, that exists in our relationship with our Papa, where our eyes are open....we behold both the times we are in, the gravity of the wars and decisions being made all around us, fully aware of their impact on our lives, our world, and at the same time, we behold His overcoming glory and power, we understand His heart and His plan. In THAT place, we find our direction, our piece in the puzzle, our role in these days. We are called to reflect the glorious image of Christ, the Beloved Son in this time....but first, we must wake up. We will only find this purpose in His Presence. Paul writes in chapter 3 verse 18 of 2 Cor. 4 "And we who with unveiled faces all REFELCT the Lord's glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit." We cannot reflect that which we do not behold. We must behold HIM. We must seek His face and seek to understand what He is doing in these days and truly awaken, unafraid, to our call and purpose on the earth. I pray, Father, our hearts would remain at perfect rest in your presence at all times, but our minds would be knowing, our eyes seeing, and ears hearing. I pray our hands and feet would be calloused and our knees bruised in the preparation of the coming of our King.

1 comment:

  1. Yes Mandy!!! God is ALWAYS working and we need to be ready to be His vessels!! Very good reminder this morning. God break my heart for what breaks Yours, and do not let this world caulous my heart so that I confuse indifference with the peace that comes from You alone. Amen!
