Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Best Gift-Giver Ever...

When my oldest son turned three, my husband and I made the decision that we would not "do Santa" as a part of our celebration of Christmas. At the time, our now almost 11 year old was already grasping spiritual concepts, asking deep questions about spiritual and supernatural things. We felt that to present or encourage the story of Santa as fact would cause conflict in his mind and heart, and on top of that, we felt like we would be lying to him. Please note, in no way then or now do we look down on others who include the story of Santa in their celebrations, but felt it was not what we were to do.

Now seven years later we hold to that and everyone in the family has been quite content in that choice. This year, however,  something new has come to my attention that serves as a further confirmation of this choice and it's really rooted in the following scripture passages:

Every good gift and every perfect (free, large, full) gift is from above; it comes down from the Father of all [that gives] light, in [the shining of] Whom there can be no variation [rising or setting] or shadow cast by His turning [as in an eclipse].  And it was of His own [free] will that He gave us birth [as sons] by [His] Word of Truth, so that we should be a kind of firstfruits of His creatures [a sample of what He created to be consecrated to Himself]. (James 1:17, 18 AMP)
Or what man is there of you, if his son asks him for a loaf of bread, will hand him a stone?  Or if he asks for a fish, will hand him a serpent?  If you then, evil as you are, know how to give good  and  advantageous gifts to your children, how much more will your Father Who is in heaven [perfect as He is] give good  and advantageous things to those who keep on asking Him! (Matthew 7:9-11 AMP)

When I was reflecting on Christmas this year, my heart was pricked with the realization that our Daddy WANTS to be seen as the Giver of Good Gifts that He is. He longs to be known, fully, to the deepest parts of his beautiful heart.  It is so easy for the world and those who don't know Him to view him as a God of anger, wrath, or apathy instead of the good, loving benevolent Daddy He is... It is in this longing of His heart to be known rightly, that I find deeper passion to reserve the "Good Gift Giver" identity solely for Him, and to make him known in that way to my children, first, and also to others. Oh how many times, more than I can count, has He truly seen the deepest desires of my heart and miraculously and completely provided for them? I'm talking secret things no one else can know. He certainly isn't my magic slot machine that bends at my every earthly and fleshly craving, but truly knows how to delight me in ways that are good for me and bless me beyond imagine! I just long for my children to run to the Lord with the list of things they desire, holding them up to him who owns the cattle on a thousand hills; the One who did not see fit to withhold any good gift from us, including the most precious gift of His son, and know with all their being that their Father sees, knows, and will not disappoint their hearts even if the answer in the meantime is no or wait. He truly delights in showering us with his gifts of love!

So "to Santa or not to Santa" really ISN'T the question. Whether you choose that or not, consider testifying about the Ultimate Gift Giver as you know him. Or if you do not know Him as such , if you see Him as one who is or would hold out on you, or one who doesn't care about the desires of your heart,  today is a great day to ask to get to know Him in that way....  

Tuesday, December 4, 2012 Not Adopt

If you know me and my family, you may be wondering what in the world I am going to say in this post. For those who don't know, my family includes 4 children, of whom the youngest we "imported" from India four years ago. Briefly, our story started when, at 18, in my college library doing some research, I stumbled upon an article about the one-child-policy in China and all of the atrocities occurring there in regards to children as a result. In an instant, I was moved to one day care for one of these children through adoption. While my story went on to include marriage and three biological children prior to the adoption coming into fruition, it was indeed the will of God, confirmed by his spirit and provided for miraculously by Him and through the generosity of others.

I have since been a voice for the abandoned in many ways through sharing our story and through my involvement with different organizations, even helping to put on a conference in order to share the plight of the orphan and equip people to care for them. In my dealings with and exposure to many other like-minded believers crusading for orphans, I have been disturbed by a message that seems to be pervasive. It is not the message of all, but it is frequent enough that it stirred me to write this blog. Perhaps my choice to adopt and to help others in that pursuit may give my voice some credence that others who have not shared this journey may not have, but at any rate, I believe what I have to share is truth, not just opinion.

First, the message I have heard from many:  EVERYONE who calls themselves a believer is commanded in scripture to care for orphans and widows, the oppressed and the poor and if you are not doing this, you are in sin and you are not living the life Jesus commands. (The attitude suggests, "Here is the should be following it. I have discovered this, and am being obedient to it and will now proceed to pronounce judgement on you if you are not.) Now, I believe the word is clear we are to give to those in need and if we have been blessed we are to give to those who do not have much. This is indisputable. What I take issue with is the WAY that is often communicated (the heart behind it) and the very specific and limited way that truth is prescribed. The truth of the matter is that we are not called not to align ourselves to a cause, but to a Person. We as believers, regardless of age, ethnicity, country of origin, are ALL called to serve Christ. To live for him, to die for him. To adopt for Him.Or to NOT adopt, for Him. IF the Lord is stirring on your heart to help an orphan, to help the homeless, to help a widow, to help your neighbor, and you do not do it, THAT is a sin. But you are not bound to a man who tells you this is what you must do. We must help others out of a love response to the Savior who calls us. And for the record those who use manipulation and guilt as means to try and make people do anything, have forgotten the manner in which Christ Himself once called them. He is FULL of grace, and it is his kindness that leads us to repentance. He does not shame us into anything because He knows that when He shows Himself to us in love and full of glory, if we are really his, we will not be able to resist His beauty, His life, His love, and will willingly follow him where ever he calls, even to death, or to the orphan. He indeed does convict us of our sin, but it is always with an invitation to greater life with Him.

Having said that, I believe we should take a long hard look at our lives. If we are following Christ, there should be a difference in the way we live. If not, and hear me say this emphatically, THE REMEDY ISN'T TO GO OUT AND MAKE YOUR LIFE LOOK DIFFERENT!!! For if Christ has not made a difference in your life, then He has not made a difference in your heart, and THAT is where He desires to meet you. Get before your God. MAKE TIME FOR HIM. The days are short, time is fleeting. You do not have time to not do what he is calling you to, and you don't have time to do things He isn't calling you to. First and foremost, get to know Him. Ask Him to show Himself to you. Ask Him what He thinks about orphans, widows, and the needy. Delve into His heart. He is ALWAYS supposed to be the center of anything we do, NEVER man. Humanism sets man on the throne....makes man, the needs of man, and service to man the center. This is the core difference between humanitarianism and service to man born out of love for Christ. You see, the more we are around Jesus, the more we know him, are filled by his love, and will desire to love him back. Because He isn't selfish, and his heart is for those in need, if we are being conformed to his image, we will share his heart. So the bigger issue if you don't care about orphans and the needy, if your heart isn't stirred for them, is the lack of conformity to his image, which results from either not knowing Him at all, or just not knowing him well enough. For to be with him, to know him is to be changed by him and to look more like him.

He commands us to love one another, which would include caring for those in need, but that call is preceded by a command to first know Him. Then, in his presence, we can be filled and lead into what that looks like. Bind yourself to Christ, and Christ alone, and you will be filled and thus fulfill HIS purposes for your life.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

"Don't mistake spiritual slumber for peace."

 So I am without question, a big picture kind of girl. It's why I have such a hard time with details. It's why I used to ask "why?" when I was a little girl so much of the time and it's why I detest package warnings that read "Whatever you do, NEVER do this!" but don't tell me why..:-) While I will forever be grateful for (and remain in humble awe of) administrator and details oriented types, I recognize there are some good things about trying to get the bigger perspective. I believe it is what the Lord Jesus is trying to tell us in Matthew 24 and 25 as it relates to his coming. I am watching what is happening in our country and across the globe, and I long to understand better these events, for there is much happening indeed I am also very much  interested in what is happening in His Bride, globally.  If you take time to read Matthew 24-25, Jesus is talking to his disciples about end times. He spoke MUCH on whether or not people would be ready...if you have read it you may remember the illustration of the fig tree and knowing what season we are in. My title this morning was a phrase I heard in my head as I sat down to spend time with Him. As was predicted by Christ in Matthew, and has seen over and over in scripture as a theme, some have fallen into a slumber. Francis Frangipane speaks to this phenomenon in the beginning of chapter 6 of his book, "And I Will Be Found By You", when he quotes Zechariah 4:1 and comments, "Zechariah was not sleeping when an angel roused him 'as a man who is awakened from his sleep.' " He goes on to say (which is coraborated by the prophetic word giving by Christ Himself in Matthew 24-25), "Amazingly, in spite of all the signs, wonders, and warnings announcing that we are truly in the last days, Jesus said there will also be a mysterious drowsiness that we must discern and overcome." In these recent days surrounding political events, both in our nation and around the world, I have observed many different reactions: fear and hatred toward one another are a couple of things, as well as some others pressing in to try and make sense out of it spiritually, but among the most alarming, is an apathay that is easily mistaken for peace. "Everything will be fine....things will work's nothing new....etc..." and while it's true that there is nothing new under the sun, there have always been wars, etc... Do we really know and see things from a heavenly perspective? Paul says in 2 Corinthians 4:18 "So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal." There is a place, I believe, that exists in our relationship with our Papa, where our eyes are open....we behold both the times we are in, the gravity of the wars and decisions being made all around us, fully aware of their impact on our lives, our world, and at the same time, we behold His overcoming glory and power, we understand His heart and His plan. In THAT place, we find our direction, our piece in the puzzle, our role in these days. We are called to reflect the glorious image of Christ, the Beloved Son in this time....but first, we must wake up. We will only find this purpose in His Presence. Paul writes in chapter 3 verse 18 of 2 Cor. 4 "And we who with unveiled faces all REFELCT the Lord's glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit." We cannot reflect that which we do not behold. We must behold HIM. We must seek His face and seek to understand what He is doing in these days and truly awaken, unafraid, to our call and purpose on the earth. I pray, Father, our hearts would remain at perfect rest in your presence at all times, but our minds would be knowing, our eyes seeing, and ears hearing. I pray our hands and feet would be calloused and our knees bruised in the preparation of the coming of our King.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

I may be slow, but I'm not stupid. For a while I have been feeling the Lord speak to me, sometimes such wonderful things that I think I may burst if I don't get them out. I have wondered if I am truly to be the only one He wants to share this with or if it is also for others. Three times I have been encouraged this week to use the internet as a place to share. SO here we are. What I have to share this morning is kind of a doozey with it being the morning after the election (go big or go home, right?) Anyway, I encourage you to pray through the following things and see if any of it resonates in you as well. If not, throw it God be the Glory :-)

Fell asleep last night to Fox News and it's projections for the election. When I woke up, immediately two things were stirring, a little bit of dread, and whispers from Him-- Exodus 20:6 He is faithful to show mercy and steadfast love to a thousand generations of those who love Me and keep my commandments...

I went downstairs to make my coffee and ready myself to spend some time with Him. All the while pondering the election, the nation, and hearing more whispers. The following is taken from my journal from this morning:

 Sodom and Gomorrah you would've spared for the sake of one righteous man. There have been throngs among us who have faithfully served and laid down their lives in the name of Christ in this country. I praise you for the faithful love and mercy you show even to us on their behalf....

"Rise up my Bride! Come together for you finally see there is something that threatens the kingdom of God greater than each other! Lock arms, and bow, unified, your knee to Me! Come, ask, and pray and I will tell you great and mighty things you did not know! I desire for you to reflect the glorious light of my Son, as one, holy blameless bride...there will be a great influx of people into the church looking for hope, and this time, they will find the beauty of Christ waiting to receive them! Repent, repent, O Church for your bickering with one another, for your hatred towards your brothers and sisters--That is not what my Son looks like and it is not His image you reflect when you look like that. They are coming....Show them my Son. Submit to me, submit to your church leaders, submit to those in authority over you, encourage them and pray for them...I will bring about my kingdom through these broken vessels. Submit to my Word, there is no other foundation, no other ideal that will be a steady foundation--resist the ideas that center around humanity. I am the center.

See, I am doing something new in your midst...something you have not seen in many generations...awakening one pure, holy, passion for Me..." (He spoke Jeremiah 33 to me, which verse six echoes what He said earlier, "Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and mighty things you did not know." In the rest of this passage, which if you have time, you can read, the Lord speaks of His covenant with Israel, and explains that He is a covenant keeping God. He is a faithful God, and He will be faithful to His bride.)

"My blessing on this country will come on behalf of my bride that is there. I will show mercy on whom I will show mercy. I will bless my bride and it will trickle over onto those who are not my people. Who are you to declare my wrath? Do not have a heart like Jonah's--when he did not think it right for me to spare the wicked in Ninevah. Bow your knee to me, to my will. Ask, seek, and knock. I will do what I deem is good. Shake the dust off your bibles, and turn on the light in your prayer closet again. I want to start a revolution and I want to tell you about it! The Lord, the God of Jacob is my name. I am your strength and shield! Put your trust and hope in Me--some may trust in horses, and some may trust in chariots but we will trust in the name of the Lord our God. I have a name...identify Me! "{Jeremiah 33:26 For I will cause their captivity to be reversed, and I will have mercy, kindness, and steadfast love on and for them.  (notice, same things He said in Ex. 20:6 amp}
God is trying to show us that He is a covenant keeping God--His faithfulness is greater than our sins! He is not a slot machine, where we stick in our good works and get out blessing, stick in bad stuff and he spits out junk. [NOT saying we won't reap what we sow, consequences of our actions will come, we will experience the depth of the ditch we dug]

"You know nothing of the depths of my faithfulness, for you are a fickle people, rewarding that which pleases you and breaking covenant when you are offended which is often and easily done. I am not this way. It is not even your repentance and dependance that will cause me to keep covenant with you, for even this repentance is not for me, but for you and your hearts. I am God, there is no other. Truly there is none like Me." After this I heard for the first time this song by Free Chapel come on Pandora "I Call Your Name" He starts the song by quoting the exact version (amplified) of Jeremiah 33:3 "Call to me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things, fenced in and hidden, which you do not know (do not distinguish and recognize, have knowledge of and understand.) Here are the lyrics: (Note the last line was the last thing I wrote that He spoke to me.)
 Holy lord
God almighty
 ancient of days, giver of faith
Lord I need you
 Lord you're deserving of all I am
 I lay me down
 Lord I need you
 I call your name
Lord you reply
You bring your kingdom
To stand by my side
Giver of life
All that I need
Father you're everything that is precious to me
There is no one like you Lord in all the earth.