Tuesday, July 30, 2013

The Song of the Son

It really truly is all about Jesus. Not just in word but reality. Have you ever taken notice of how the Father feels towards the Son? He REALLY REALLY digs Jesus... His Beloved, in Whom He is well pleased, Son. And to be about that which the Father is about is to really in essence to be about the Son. Reflecting on this truth, the following thoughts and pictures began to unfold in my heart...
As Sons and Daughters of God purchased  by Jesus' blood, our lives and the stories they tell compose  redemption's music, which makes each of us musicians. The Father, our ever skillful conductor, beckons us, come. Come and join in the Symphony of the Son. Daily, our lives play out His Song, over and over, redemption's song sings out through our moments. I could see this scene unfold before my eyes....an outdoor orchestra takes their seat at sunset, beautiful colors fill the sky, sweet smells of flowers and earth float on the breeze and the birds and other living creatures sing creation's song as the Conductor begins to look out over the players. I began to notice two distinct groups. To one side, I saw a sea of nervous players, some looking down at the instrument they had been recently given, unsure of themselves, unsure of this thing, these instruments, they held in their hands, unsure of the Conductor. They squirmed nervously in their seats, the questions and apprehensions written all over their faces. Then I looked at the Conductor, His eyes sweeping over this sea of newcomers and a huge grin of excited expectation stretched across His face...He knew the noise that was about to come forth out of this section and it delighted Him, for in the score, He had made provision for the noise they would make as somehow, these squawks and squeaks would be woven into the notes and lines and phrases and together would convey the beauty of the Son in mysterious ways. His heart was full of anticipation and excitement as they would, some for the very first time, press their lips and just breath into their horns in hopes that something would come out.  Then His eyes shifted to another group. These players had been with Him a while, they were silent, calm, almost unmoving as they had their eyes fixated on the Conductor's baton...ready. It was easy to see they had played many times with the Conductor before and were waiting, watching, undistracted. He let out a deep sigh as He studied this group. His playful smile faded into a penetrating gaze as He looked over these seasoned, weathered ones, an almost tangible strength and wisdom rose off of them. They had not only practiced a great deal, but had waged great wars with their music. A knowing rose up in Him, as tears formed in His eyes as He studied these musicians...there would be great music that came forth from these...powerful melodies that would move creation. For these had learned to watch His every move, take every cue, and play the rests with as much passion and conviction as they played the notes in front of them.They had gained their skills over time and for many it had cost them. Their music was beautiful but it had been bathed in hardship, loss, and pain.  These were almost unaware of themselves and their instruments all together, they were just fixated on their conductor so as not to miss one note, one moment of the grand symphony they had been placed in.

Together their hearts cried out, "Lead us, O Great Conductor, into beautiful music, communicating the sounds that need to go out at your slightest wave...help us keep time with the beat you set, no one playing their instrument at their own will but as one among many who together will set forth the sound You hear in your head, the score of the Symphony of the Son." 

And so it is with us, each and everyday. He has made provision for our missed notes, our uncertain attempts, our fearfulness and yet we are growing, ever-changing, into the skilled musicians who at the slightest sway of the baton can be moved from loud powerful earthshaking melodies, to sweet slow sounds that whisper His love, to the rests that come so silence can tell another part of the story. Regardless of which side we sit on, and depending on the day, we could find our selves in either section, the notes we play ring forth the beautiful melodies of the Son. Redemption's song is continually being played each day, one note at a time. Just play, I hear Him say. At home, play. In your mothering, play. At work, play. As you live your life, live one note at a time, watching, expecting, trusting in Me. I will make beautiful music of it all. Just wait and see....

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